Common Misconceptions

Black woman who date white men have written of black men because they have been scorned. This can have a bit of truth to it at times. How many of you stopped dating a blond, a lawyer, a sports fanatic because of a bad experience. This happens in several different manners and colour of skin is no exception. Don’t get me wrong, I love Reggie Bush, Denzel Washington and Barry White so I am not writing off my fellow black man. Have I had a bad experience with a black man? Absolutely and more than 1 but I have also had bad experiences with white men and bi-racial men. There are definitely people who have a preference. Some men only date Asian women, some women only date black men. This is common in everyday society and does not end at race, religion or culture. Therefore the question becomes nature vs. nurture.

Having a successful interracial relationship begins with responsible adults who have mutual respect, common interests and admiration for one another. Ironically, an important factor in any relationship.

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